This supposed to be a post in which I should have attached a picture of our wonderful singing group (nor a chorus neither a choir). Unfortunately, it´s not.
I brought the camera to school this morning but I forgot to charge the batteries. What a pity! Anyway, dearest VIP - very important people; víllar pipol- collegues; Ximo tries his best although we´re not "el coro de la cárcel", not even "los chicos del coro". So we will, or not?
I hope I´ll take the photo next week and I promise to hang it on. Just for laugh!
Pdata; by the way, I´ve been watching the film "les choristes" in my tutorship class; 1st ESO. It has got an incredible therapeutic effect on them. Music calm the savages beasts!
I brought the camera to school this morning but I forgot to charge the batteries. What a pity! Anyway, dearest VIP - very important people; víllar pipol- collegues; Ximo tries his best although we´re not "el coro de la cárcel", not even "los chicos del coro". So we will, or not?
I hope I´ll take the photo next week and I promise to hang it on. Just for laugh!
Pdata; by the way, I´ve been watching the film "les choristes" in my tutorship class; 1st ESO. It has got an incredible therapeutic effect on them. Music calm the savages beasts!
6 comentaris:
I’m willing to see that picture of the tiny little country VILLAge –¿se dirá asín?– chorus, and listen to all of you, of course. Si finalmente se confirma la eficacia de la música como dices, el curso que viene a cada profesor se le dará una flauta o unas castañuelas, a elegir.
Preferiria la flauta, jefa! Welcome to dark side.
JM, és veritat que la música amanseix les feres, no ho dubtes. La maitja hora d'assaig a mi, fiera corrúpia que soy, em senta genial, suscribo y corroboro! (?)
Se dice suscribo y firmo, y es verdad, la música amansa a las fieras, sobre todo la de KARIH-KATURA
Con estas generaciones, más bien necesitaríamos una mesa de mezclas, aunque para algunos quizá funcione un silbato canino. De todas formas sería más práctico un altavoz (y un látigo).
Bienvenida, mábel, alias psicoenredos, je, je.
Suscribo y firmo, no me'n recorde mai, Emilio!
Bienhallados tod@s.
Per cert que ésta dark side està una miqueta fosca: no es veu bé el text blau i quan pinxes quasi desapareix, potser siga el meu ordinador (Ay, mare qué no tinc el salt).
Y ya que estamos musicales también es bonito el nombre de "la cara B" (morriña del vinilo me ha entrado).
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